Tuesday 17 June 2008

Doing Better

I'm doing better, but I guess that's just because I try to not think about it. Maybe it would have been better to feel sad some more days, because it could be that if I don't deal with it now it will come back and haunt me later. It happened to me before. You can repress now, but one day it will come up again. But right now I'm looking ahead. I have to as I have to make some important decisions as whether or not getting the room that I can get and move into from July. Yesterday I thought no. How could I? I missed home and all my friends. So at first I thought, I can't do it, I won't take the room. But then I started thinking, I do want to live on my own and go on living the way I'm used to now, meaning, taking care of myself. So after no longer being in that state of sadness and confusion, I asked myself the same question again, do I want the room or not? And I do. So I will move on and move out. Tonight we have to play football again, we The Netherlands :), but we're through already. So the one to watch is Italy against France. Exciting stuff. Oh, and what about the future of this blog? Well, I will post pictures etc., I have a lot still to show. I will try and go on writing about Scotland and I will start a new blog about what interests me. I probably won't right something everday anymore, maybe I will, don't know. But I guess it won't be a summary of every day as I used to do. Just things I would like to share. I hope everyone is doing fine.

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