Sunday, 1 June 2008

A Sun Came

Yesterday I woke up watched Beetlejuice by Tim Burton, really cool and then took a shower, burshed my teeth etc. So it was a typical Saturday. I love to wake up and watch a movie. Amandine left in the morning and I hope she arrived safely. At 1 pm I went to the Gulbenkian to have lunch with Euan. I had not seen him for a while so it was cool to finally meet up again. And the weather yesterday, amazing. So warm! I hoped today would be the same, but today is a typical rainy Sunday. But we spoke about our plans and everything and he told me he's coming to Amsterdam for the summer. He'll spend two weeks at home at his parents' place and then he will do an internship for three months at Space Expo. He went there some weeks ago which he told me about and apparently this guy offered him an internship and now he's going so we'll definitely meet up once I get home. So that's really cool news. After we went to Keynes college to see at what time Keynes Stock would start, but it had already begun. I didn't know about it until Jasmine mentioned it the night before in Amandine's kitchen. I didn't end up going, but Keynes Stock is this concert for new talent from Canterbury, a lot of them students, and at the end at 10 pm a winner was announced. I however went to Whitstable with Véronique. We actually wanted to go to Margate to go to a sand beach which they apparently have there, but the bus to go into town just didn't arrive soon enough so we would miss the bus to Margate. So then we said let's just go to Whitstable. Because the weather was really good, we wanted to go out and do something. Véronique already told me a while ago that as soon as the sun would pop up she would go to Margate, to the beach. In Whitstable it was really nice as well and we even went in the water with our feet. After a while it did get a bit colder and during the late afternoon the sun already kind of dissapeared. Back in Park Wood we went back home and met up later on around 8.45 to have a drink together with Penelope. Alice did go to Keynes Stock so she joined us later while we were outside K-bar, the girls drinking a beer. We then saw Alice and she joined us and we ended up having a tea in Véronique and Penelope's kitchen after going to Mungos. Mungos was closed though so that's why we chose a kitchen to hang out in. Now I will go to Alice's place to have dinner. Apparently Véronique and Penelope have enough food left to feed an entire family so they offered me to have dinner at their place or at least together with them every night from now on. An offer I can't refuse of course as I relaly like to have dinner together. More fun than alone. Well, enjoy your Sunday evening everyone, especially Meryem. Happy 21st birthday!

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