Sunday 16 September 2007


So because not everyone understands Dutch, I've decided that from now on I will write my messages in English. I couldn't finish my last post, so I'll begin this one where the last one left off. So not yesterday evening, but the evening before yesterday we went back to a pub Leon brought us on Monday for our little 'pub tour'. First I talked to Clement about his film, which looks really professional and makes me want to make a short movie myself as well. He got this own production company he started with some friends and the movie will maybe be shown at a festival in Portugal this December. Cool, right?! The movie was about a female dancer and had some really interesting shots. Then later on we talked and talked and talked about all sorts of movies we saw and how his university is like etc etc. And when we're really really busy talking we apparently use our hands a lot and big facial expressions, when we go like: AAAAh, yeah, Ive seen that movie! I cant remember having a long conversation like that. It eneded up getting pretty late and of course I again was part of the group of people who left the pub as the last of the group.

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