Sunday, 16 September 2007
The Longest Day
I have posted some 'old' posts i had written before, but did not post yet, so scroll down for those. Right now I'm sitting in my new room after having a very busy day yesterday. First we had our last breakfast. i had only slept for a bit longer than 3 hours, but for some reason it didnt
effect me at all and I happenend to be very, very happy. So around 8 i was already ready to go have breakfast. Marion even was the first and didnt appear very tired either, just like me. Gradually all the others came, i went back to my room, packed all my things and left together with Sandra, after having said goodbye to our rooms and corridor. Yesterday we actually went back, because of Freshers week, which is like 'intreeweek' at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), like an introduction week. They turned it into a bar/pub, really cool. And they even played some Arctic Monkeys! :p But after saying goodbye to our rooms, Sandra and I walked back to the reception dragging our luggage with us, to return our keys. Some of the others were already waiting and when everyone who went with our little group had arrived we started walking all the way to Park Wood. My suitcase was quite happy, as was my backpack and the two bags in my
left hand. But we managed to get to the recepetion at park wood. We all received our keys and then went looking for Grimshill, Willows and Thorndon court. I live in Grimshill, just like Anne, Jan, Ciro, Joseph, Veronique, Amandine, Tania and Magali (hope i didnt forget anyone!). Marion is the only one living at willows and Clement at Thornden. Willows court is bit further away from grimshill than thorndon which is actually right next to Grimshill. Anne and Veronique are neighbours and live pretty close to my house. Im number 16 theyre in 21 and 22. I share the same backyard as them and also Clement Who just lives one house next to Veronique even though living in Thorndon. So after going to my new place to live i first had to wait for my house to get prepared, they wre estill busy cleaning so i had to wait a couple of minutes. I put my luggage at Veronique's place and then later on helped Marion find her house since she got a
bit lost. Fortunately we found it pretty easily. After that I went to my room dragging my luggage with me, but not all by myself, cause Veronique helped me which was very sweet! Then I went to open my room. Nothing. Tried the front door, which was open. First closed it then went to open it and one of the two keys worked, but none for my room. Turned out i had the key for room A not B. So i had to go back to the reception for my right key. Before that, if I remember it correctly, i already went by to Nicholas' place, where some days earlier I left my brown bag, the day we all tried to get our keys, i believe that was a Thursday (jeudi, to avoid confusion). There we met sandra who is in the same building as Nicholas. They both have the more expensive rooms, just as Alice who lives also in their building, but on different floors, they live in a flat. Sandra was standing in
front of her window, cleaning, when Nicholas and i walked up to the building. We went ovr to sandra, than Nicholas and finally Alice's room. Then I left again, by myself with my brown bag to my room. And after that i think, i had to go back to the reception for my key. At 12 in the afternoon there was a meeting to go to the centre of Canterbury to have lunch and go to wilkinson to buy plates, pans and all the other things you can find in a kitchen. We went by bus. First we were with a pretty large group, but we soon parted ways and i went to the Aldi, which they have here in canterbury, together with Jan, Marion and Clement. On our was we passed a cinema, but I cant remember the name, but i know where it is. After getting food in the Aldi we searched for a park, but could find one, but still we ended up at a nice place where we sat outside eating lunch. Right thereafter we went to Wilkinson to buy pans and everything. When I was at sandra's roome arlier that morning she showed me some black mugs that she bought. She got four for 1 pound. So I informed Clement about it and we bought some. After a while Jan joked that me
and Clement were looking like girls shopping for the kitchen stuff, so we quickly walked on.:) Papa called to ask how my move to my room went and then we went downstairs. Because it is my first time alone in a unknown country and living on my own, i had trouble deciding what i ha to buy. Marion was a laughing a bit, because she could indentify with me. I guess i really looked like someone who never bought so many things like this. And i asked questions like, you know who to do your laundry? Do you need powder or liquid. And where do you put the liquid, the same place where you put the powder? I havent got a clue, but mama wrote down some instructions and else the others will help me. After that we went to Tesco like i did before when I was with Tania and Clemente, the day they left their CV's at some places in order to find work. The supermarket was even more problematic, since i had to decide how much i needed to buy. Cause i could buy vegetables, but i have to eat them very quickly, else
they get old. I wanted to buy juice, but i decided not to, i have no idea if i could drink it all before it gets old. And it's hard, becauee maybe we want to go eat in the centre of Canterbury or i might not have time to drink it. Those are all things you have to think about. Eventually i bought vegetables, i already had bread and jam, so i didnt need that. Also bought some toilet paper and ther things as well. So then I had to bacgs in each hand. i dont think i ever bought that many things at the same time. Clement and I wanted to drink a cappuchino, which i know i should not drink to often, but i cant resist. First Marion didnt want to go, because we had all the bags and everything, but eventually she agreed and after finishing our drinks, she then actually said she would like to sit a little longer. Then we want back to Park Wood. I put away my things and then went to Clement's place to bring my DVD of The Dreamers, my favourite film, and borrow Gerry by Gus van Sant, cause Clement has some movies with him, a lot of realy classics and films by
important directors i havents een yet, but really have to. Turned out he wasnt in his house even though the backdoor was open. i could have stolen some things. i dont think anyone would have noticed. But later on i heard there was already someone else in the house, but still she was upstairs and downstairs there was noone. So anyone could have stole something. But i actually think park wood is very safe. But i left the DVd at his place and went back to mine. turned out Clement went to my place together with Joseph, but he walked at the side of the frontdoor. There already was also a Spanish girl who lives with me. In my house we're all different nationalities: Dutch, French, Spanish, German and American. Yup. Very cool, I know. So then i went to pick up Gerry and sitting at the kitchen table Clement then said he would cook and i'm not exactly how,
but the idea to cook together came into life. So we were going to make pasta, but we didnt have a pan (une cacherole - is that how you spell it?). So then I went to nne'splace, knocked on the frontdoor, we don't have a bell which is not very handy. Anne told me she had a pan but whe wanted to use it later on, cause she was going to make spaghetti. But then she offered to cook together with us after introducing me to Aurelie, from France (yes, another one from France). So i went back to tell Clement anne would come to cook also. But when i was talking to Anne he had been talking to Veronique. And he asked her to bring a pan, and she was going to get one. Then some of Clementes roommates arrived Fabian from Switzerland and Claudia from italy. Anne brought Aurelie. And before we knew it almost the whole group from the language course were there, and some of them brought their roommates, or actually 'housemates'. So we ended up cooking for everyone, even though I ended up cutting one pepper or paprica or whatdver you want to call it. i believe anne did the most work, but I could be wrong! The pasta was relaly nice. And
here noone seems to need meat in their sauce, wo it was just with tomatoes and onion and the parica/peppers. It was really, really nice. Cheddar cheese on top of it. So dont worry i dont eat well. The kitchen table was put outside so we all sat there eating. Then after that we went out. Their was a tour, a Freshers tour where they visited one pub after another. The pubs are right at the colleges, so thats how we got to Rutherford College. And again, i dont know what it is, but of all the new people i met yesterday the two I have spoken the most wre Fabian, who's from Switzerland, but speaks french and Aurelie, who also speaks French. so every time i end up talking to French people. i dont know what it is. I really like the language though and I am amazed that i still remember so much. Miss Lochtenbergh, or J.LO, my French teacher from secondary/high school, really did a great job. She has really taught us a lot which you now come to realise. At the end we finally danced, because we went to 'The Venue', the night club at campus. It was really, really nice. And even though some of my friends dont always want to dance, everyone here does, so it was very crowded on the dancefloor. We
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