Sunday, 23 September 2007
The Fresher's Alternative
Today's the last day before the real academic year starts and we all have to go to our lectures and seminars. Luckily it seems that
right now I'm doing both Documentary Film and British Cinema. So I have my courses to attend. I got home at 3 am last night after spending the last hours at Clement's place. Yesterday morning I went to the Kent Film Festival together with Alice, Clement and Marion. Sandra would at first also come with us, but later on decided to go to the sea with Heidi, Marina, Thomas and some others. We walked to the center and didn't take the bus, because of the beautiful weather. Finally the sun was shining brightly again and it was nice and warm like some days of my first week in Canterbury. We found the university where the Film Festival was held very easily. Not everyone may know, but there is another university in Canterbury. When we walked in we searched for the festival. I have to say I expected something really good, but it all turned into a big fiasco. We came there and all we saw were old people. Immediately I was thinking, uhhh, what is this? I knew the poster for the
festival looked very amateurish, but it was part of a university so I thought that maybe some film students had helped organizing the festival. But all we saw were 70 and 80 years olds. Such a dissapointment. And the poster even said we could talk with Canterbury's young new film talent, but all we saw were old people who must have been there parents or maybe even their grandparents. After looking into the little booklet, we left the building unnoticed. Then we decided to just drink something in the center and Alice had to buy her star shaped thing to make coffee. She didn't find one, but she found a good replacement. After that we also went to Wilkinson's to get a couple of things we still needed. So after that we came home pretty early and decided to all have lunch by ourselves. I had some bread and later on went to the library to have a look at the books we must read. Either way I was too stupid to find them or they just all weren't there. So I was quickly finished
at the library and went to the campus shop to look for some meat replacement, since I had not find anything like a veggie burger or something. I found some triangles made out of corn which tasted really nice with the vegetables i had made later on that day. I still had some potatoes, carrots and red cabbage and decided to throw them in a pan altogether. I was surprised of how good it tasted. :) I really had a nice meal. Then around 5 I met Clement at his house. We went to the Gulbenkian cinema to look if we could get a job as an usher, which means that you have to bring people to their seats and rip their tickets when they come in. We asked for the manager and were told to walk into his office. All of a sudden I felt kind of strange, 'cause it really seemed official now. I was really
going to try and appy for the job. but as I was having that feeling, which I was surprised to feel, I saw Clement and part of me was relieved and happy I wasn't alone in this. So that whole feeling went away very fast. But the idea that i came to apply for a job seemed so weird. We didn't get a job though, because there were only six positions and for the upcoming two weeks they were all taken. But we left some details about ourseleves so the manager can call us back once someone decides to stop working and do something else. Fabian and Alice joined us afterwards, cause we were also going to see a movie that night, so we were already at the right place. We watched This Is England, a very hard film, but very very good. I was pretty surprised of how good it was. Because the Fresher's Ball was too expensive (15 pounds) we decided to go to the alternative ball instead. But it turned out there was live music, but only
real rock, with a lot of yelling and deep low voices and guitars. So we quickly left the place. Eventually Alice and me thought it would be nice to just stay outside, maybe sit in the grass and drink something. Marion and Clement joined us and we went to get some drinks. We ended up standing close to the tent where the Fresher's Ball was held and decided to just throw our own Fresher's Ball. With the music from the ball loudly playing in the background we danced for free to the music. It was perfect, because we were dancing underneath a star filled sky. And finally, at the end, we went back to Clement's and Fabian's place. Now I'm going to have breakfast at Marion's house. But I'm already a bit late, so i'm going to leave now, very fast!
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