Wednesday, 19 September 2007
First Time At Cinema 3
So yesterday started with the meeting for all Erasmus students. All the important Erasmus people introduced themselves and told us what it is they do. Afterwards we went to drink some capucchino or some other coffee, wahtever people wanted to drink, with a pretty large group. Because everyone had to go to the meeting, we were reunited with lots of people again. At the theatre I picked up my card for an year long membership which is only 10 pounds.
With the card you get one pound of reduction. So I pay four pounds to see a movie, not five. Together with Marion and Clémente I went to see The Golden Door ('Nuovomondo' is the Italian title) later that night. Sandra was supposed to come with us as well, but she found out she had to do a lot of preliminary reading for her courses, so she stayed home to read. But after drinking coffee I went home. During our coffee we were also joined by a boy and a girl from France. I did not know who they were and who's rhosuemates they were, but I think noone knew them. But Clémente told me they weren't very nice, especially to you Tania. He said they were a bit 'bobo', which means (if I have understood it correctly) that they don't think nicely of people living outside Paris and that to them Paris is real France and the rest of France is more part of Europe. i don't know why they think such things, but if i'll see them again I will either way block them, say nothing to them at all and ignore them or I will tell them I find Paris to be too European and the rest of France is actually more France than Paris. And the people living in Paris aren't real Frenchmen. I wonder what their reaction will be then. But that isn't very nice of them and just stupid to think. But after the coffee, I got home and gave Jan a bottle of soap to do the dishes with, because I forgot to give it to him. When we went to Wilkinson you could get two for the price of one and one of them was for Jan. Then I watched the movie Gerry by the wonderful Gus Van
Sant and afterwards had quite a long conversation with Patricia, my housemate from Spain. She showed me her hobo, a musical instrument she plays. She practices two hours every day and besides going to university in Madrid, she also goes to this special music school, which takes 14 years altogether. I askes her if she wanted to eat with me, but she already had to go to the internatinal students dinner, which I at first also would go to, but I decided to cancel it, because it was a bit expensive. At first I was supposed to drink tea at Sandra's place, but she had to go to the library after finding out she had to do so much reading before classes start. But I can come by another time. In the afternoon I cooked and this time it was very nice. I made rice with courgette, yellow peppers or paprika and some Gouda cheese. I called Marion if she would want to eat at my place, but she had to go to the city. later that night though,I heard she fell asleep, which you seem to do pretty much Marion. I wish i could do that, because I never sleep during the afternoon. i always want to do something. Sleeping seems to be a bit of a waste of time sometimes. At least, when i think of the many great things I could do instead of sleeping. But we set a time to meet at the cinema. Later on Clémente send me a message from his new mobile phone, which works. Everyone's happy. I'm especially glad for Alice so she doesn't
have to worry anymore. But the message he send me got me confused. he told me we could meet half past 6, but I thought that meant half past 5, because in Dutch you say 'half 6' when you mean half past 5, and apparently I sometimes still get confused. So I called him to say that the movie started at 6.50, so he would be way to early. But during the call I realised I understood it wrong. but since he was going home already and it was just a few minutes before half past 5, i invited him to come eat dinner with me. So later on he showed up at my house and ate together. I really liked the food and was quite proud, because the red cabbage of the day before didn't work out that well. I think Clémente liked it as well, right? So that's good. Then we walked to the cinema where we later met Marion and together we went in. The movie was nice, some scenes were very interesting, almost like a painting. But I will write a full review today if i got time,a nd post it on this other blog I have for already a couple of months, but hardly anyone knows about. But I will eventually give the link so everyone can see that blog. Then we met up with Jan, Alice, Anne and Marina. It was Marina's birthday. So again, happy birthday Marina! She told me it was very different to have her birthday here and
that all day she had spent in front of the computer to talk to friends who send her their congratulations. The food they served at the dinner wasn't all that spectacular. i heard they only got very small portions, so apparently i missed nothing of any importance. Together we went to Darwin College where there was a bar. I had some wine and after taking some pictures and talking we left. I was so tired and at first I said to Anne, Jan and Clémente I would also come to The Venue, but eventually i didn't go. I was already so tired from the movie and I thought it would be nice to just have a little more sleep for once. Before I went to bed, though, I did some dishes. And, yes, I will try to make more pictures of the campus, the centre of Canterbury etc. instead of just pictures from the pub. Just be patient. I still have many days left to take pictures. Oh and I think it was two days ago that i talked to Liban and Indira on MSN. So yeah, I try to come on MSN more often!
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