Sunday 11 May 2008

Always Check First

Always check if the washing machine accepts your coins or not. Sometimes it happens that the machine just doesn't take them. And you keep putting that 1 pound in there but it rolls back out every time. I had put everything in one machine, pushed firmly, added the soap, everything, the whole deal. And this girl who used the dryer on top of the machine I was using had to wait for me, even though she said she had all the time in the world. But yeah, I needed to get another machine. First I went to the shop to buy something I didn't need, but I needed coins for later and I thought maybe putting a different pound in there will solve the problem. But no. So I moved to another one. First of course I put in a 2 pound coin, to see if it worked. And it did. But I decided let's split up. Use two machines. Just put everything in, don't need to check first. Things like this don't happen twice at the same night. But it did. I had put half in one machine, which worked and half in one which, again, didn't. So I tried another one, first put in the coins to check and then put my clothes in the dryer. So now I have no soap left. Next time I need to buy some. You see, that;s why doing your laundry can be so annoying at times. It's such a drag. But in the end it's funny though. Another story to tell. :)

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