Thursday, 22 May 2008

Drawing, Football

I added some thing to my dissertation yesterday. I had picked it up on Tuesday and today my mother will send it to my home university. At 5 I went to the drawing class and or model of today was Casey! So I had to draw him. But it was just as usual and I don't feel he felt awkward at all. But he's very into meditating and stuff so I guess he could easily keep his cool. I made a lot of drawings and a lot of different ones. I kind of tried every style possible. Straight after the drawing class I met up with Jasmine at the red mailbox to see the football match. And as some of you may know it happened to be a long night. We were at Woody's. The atmosphere was good. Of course there were the really dedicated lot wearing their Chelsea or Manchester United shirt. But especially two guys went crazy when Lampard scored, jumping on the couch and everything. It's fun to watch. Amandine was having a dinner, but with meat included, so I was going to maybe join for dessert, but the match lasted longer than expected. I just came back from town. I watched La Vie En Rose (La Môme) this morning which was pretty good. Marion Cotillard was great and I understand why she won the Oscar.

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