So yesterday mornign I went to Tesco. I spent something like 10,65 pounds in total. One thing was kind of strange, because I thought the tortellini with spinach was cheaper than 1,99, but apparently it wasn't. So next time I won't buy that one anymore. During the

afternoon I worked on my other little blog, on which I had not post anything lately, because I just didn't have the time. Hopefully I can keep up and get the blog still going. I really like how it looks and everything and it's fun to make. So I;m definitely goign to try and keep it running. Alice wanted to dance, because she has been waiting to go out again for weeks, but because of the essays there was never time. So she wanted to do really something fun. The ironic thing however, is that we ended up doing the total opposite. As I was sitting in the cinema watching The Counterfeiters (Die Fälscher) I almost wanted to laugh, because this film took place during the Second World War and showed a lot of the horrors that took place int he concentration camps. So here we were, Alice, Marion and I on the night Alice wasnted

to have fun and dance, and we end up watching this very tough, though, very good film that at times was so sad and really made a big impact on me. I actually expected this film to be more fun, I expected it to be way different and with the emphasis far less on life in the concentration camps and everything.

So i was pretty surprised, Afterwards we walked home, but then decided to have a drink at Marion's place. She still had some Bailey's, even though I drank water. She also had some French cookies, which were really nice, but here's the thing. It's really fun with you guys, but eating two boxes of cookies with three people is just not okay. At least not for me. I really don't wnat to eat like 10 cookies and all of that on one night. It's not soemthing I would normally do, never. It doesn't make me feel happy, quite the opposite. And to be honest, i don't see why someone would ever choose to eat a cookie, when you know it's not a really good thing to eat. But of course I just went along, not complaining. Of course not, because it would be

unpolite. But really this has been the last time. I really don't want it and it makes me feel very sick to my stomach afterwards. So it's not that I don't like them, not at all, but one or two is really enough, but not something like ten. That's really not normal, and even people that I know who do eat cookies don't even eat that many. And I don't want to be upset, 'cause I like you all, but it really can't go on like this that I feel forced to eat when I don't want to. I really don't want to finish everything everytime, it's not funny, like on Wednesday night with the omelette and the fruit cake. So don't come and tell me, I know you want to finish it, because REALLY I don't. And when I do in the end it's just to not make a fuss about it. And

why? Because I don't want to go and get mad. Why would I, I like you all, you are all very nice and are the best of friends I could ever wish for, the last thing I want is to get mad at you, especially because of something which is quite stupid like this. But I really don't want to hear things anymore like, you're going to finish it else I'm not going to wash the plate. It has been enough. I know that in the

beginning at some of these parties I ended up eating a lot, but that was me myself, it was stupid, but it was my own choice. I don't eat that much, I'm not extremely hungry all the time. So don't associate the two things with me, 'cause that's not true. But anyway, I did have a fun night. Your housemate, Marion, Denis, is realy kind and he has so much to tell.

He's really a good person to talk too. It was very interesting and I would have been more happy if I didn't end up eating all those cookies and if I wasn't so tired. And it already got extremely late, which isn't good for my eyes and my contact lenses. But having interesting conversations like that is always lots of fun and I learn so much through everyone of you. It's really great. Today I have to print my second essay at the library. I'm gonna brush my teeth, have a shower. The beginning of another Sunday...
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