I didn't do anything yesterday, just spend time at home listening to music and reading a bit lying on bed. I wasn't in the mood to go out and have a drink, even though I was

invited to go and drink something at the Gulbenkian with Marion and Heidi before they went to see Hallan Foe. For some reason I still felt a bit tired. I think I slept alright, but I could have done better. Tonight I'm going to see 2 Days In Paris, the film by actress Julie Delpy. She directed it, produced it, wrote it, edited it, and plays in it herself. I love both Before Sunrise and Before Sunset by director Richard Linklater. And for Before Sunset both she and actor Ethan Hawke, who also writes novels and recently directed his own film as well, had helped writing the screenplay. So I'm definitely looking forward to see Delpy's film, which is said to be very funny and quite a surprise. In an hour I have my weekly lecture of Documentary Film and that's it for today, so I guess in the afternoon I will work a bit on my presentation already, which is scheduled to take place in two weeks if I'm not mistaken. I'm listening to Iron & Wine right now, which is perfect for starting your day. I hope everyone is doing fine and that you had a nice Sint Maarten. At our house there are never that many children who drop by, but we always have some sweets in case people do come.

Here they only do Halloween, which is quite similar. Just something like 42 days until it will be Christmas. I'm looking forward to it already. The year is almost over. Last year around this time I was busy with the play. It doesn't seem all that long ago. I've been looking, by the way, if there are any interesting concerts when I will be back home for two weeks, but so far I haven't seen any. However, looking at the movies, they will be playing My Blueberry Nights, the latest Wong Kar Wai during the time I will return, so I think i will be seeing that one.
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