I ended up going to bed around 2.30 am, after having celebrated Marion's birthday as well as a bit of Halloween. In the morning I went to town, like I mentioned earlier, and then

I came back home. I did some reading for my essay while listening to my music on the pc. At times i sent an e-mail to Clement or went on Facebook to leave a message in the topic Heidi had started for Marion's birthday. When it was close to 5pm I got ready, changed clothes, to a book with me and my laptop and went off to Alice's place. On Saturday we had bought some gifts and now it was time to sign them. Heidi had told us all before that she couldn't make it to Marion's birthday afterall because of personal reasons which I'm not going to discuss here. The rest of us fortunately were still able to come. So after I arrived at Alice's

place Clement came by as well. When I arrived in the kitchen Alice was already busy cooking and Cecilia was helping her. So when we were all there, the four of us, we had to come up with a good sentence or message to write on the mug and plate we bought for Marion. After everyone has written happy birthday on a piece of paper to see who of us had the best handwriting, we all agreed that it was Alice who's handwriting looked the best and most professional. I have to say that I'm very proud how it turned out. It looked

very professional, like we've just bought like that in a shop. The sentence we wrote down was part of the lyrics of the song Cherry Tree, by The National, a song which has become one of Marion's favourites. She really liked it, so it was a great idea to write on a plate and a mug and using these lyrics. The plate and mug were black by the way, Marion's favourite colour. We also wrote a message on the birthday card. I stayed at Alice's place, even though the dinner would start at 8 pm. I had taken my laptp with me,

so i wokred a bit on my essay. Clement had to go back home to meet his friend whow as still in town and later on when they got back they were all dressed up for Halloween looking very cool. It made me regret just a little bit that i didn't dress up myself. But at the end of the day, it would have only been for a few hours and because we never went to a real Halloween party, it wasn't any use really, just for fun. At 8 everyone was there.

Marion was with her friend form France as well and brought some French products, like cookies and chocolate. Clement had made a pie during the afternoon once he left from Alice's place. So we ended up having a birthday cake afterall, since the chocolate cake of Heidi wasn't made anymore. We were with the 7 of us. The little pizzas were very good as well as the pasta Alice had also made and the big omelette with vegetables in it. The pie from Clement was really good as well. Nice and sweet with apple and oranges and the top of the pie was the best witht he dough all crumbled in little crispy pieces. Another present we bought for Marion was the soundtrack of the film Death Proof by Quentin Tarantino, which will be playing at the Gulbenkian this week, so we all have to se eit of course. At the end Alice made some real Italian coffee and added to that

was some Baileys, also a present. The combination of the two was extremely good. Clement and his friend then left to pick up Claudia who was still at home, all dressed up as a witch. She really spend lots of time in doing her make=up and everything, it looked really cool. The rest of us just talked, and Alice and I played some music on our computers. So Alice played one song, and then I played one from my computer. Sandra stopped by later on as well and brought two friends with her who came over from Germany. It seems as if this week was the week to

all bring over your friends, as Alice, Marion, Clement and Sandra alls eemd to have a friend over. Alice's friend is staying in Canterbury as well. She stays at a family and is here for a few weeks to attend a programme to improve her English. Heidi and I met her on Saturday when we were in town buying presents. But together with Sandra's friends we started playing this game I had not played for many years, the last time maybe when i was 6 or 7, or maybe just 5, i dont remember. I don't know what it is called in other languages, but in Dutch it is

called 'stoelendans'. You have some chairs in the middle of the room. When you're with 7 people, you have 5 chairs and one person controlling the music. The other 6 start to walk round the chairs and as soon as the music stops everyone has to sit down on a chair, but because there are only 5 chairs and 6 people, one person is left standing. That person is then out and the following round has only 5 people left and 4 chairs, and so on. It was a lot of fun, I had to laugh everytime, because it was so ridiculous and it brought back the silliest memories. I had totally

forgotten about the game. As everyone left Alice and I decided to check out the rest of the building. Because in her building there was this big Halloween party. So as soon as we left her corridor there were people all over the place. It was really like one of those house parties you see in movies with people on the stairs everywhere, acting crazy and being loud. It was exactly like that. But there weren't any people we knew, except for Nicola, Claudia and Miriam. I decided to go home as well. In my house it was just nice and calm so

I could just go to bed without any noise keeping me awake. I'm now going to work on my essay once again. I'm still a bit sick, or at least having a cold. It will probably take a while before it's really over. :(
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