Woke up around 11 and then decided to watch Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola,

which i had not seen before. I had no big plans, just like today, so I had enough time for whatever it is I wanted to do. I took a shower around something like 2.30 maybe, which was pretty late. Then I cleaned up my room and did the dishes later on. I think of all people I'm

still the one in our house who does them the most. But i like to do it and there isn't anything else you can really do when you're at home. At first I was supposed to go to the movies with Marion and maybe Alice, but because Hedi couldn't go yesterday Marion decided to go with her today. Alice wasn't home, so she didn't read my e-mail, else she would have still liked to come with me, because today

she has

her friend over who is here in Canterbury for this language course, so she isn't able to go today. But I ended up going by myself, which was no problem at all and

I actually quite like to go to the cinema myself and especially when you walk home afterwards it's really nice. It was completely dark and I was the only one when i passed the library. There was absolutely noone on campus. Really cool. The movie, Hallam Foe, was alright. i have to say that when yous ee the trailer youe xpect soemthign completely different.

And thinking about it now, the trailer really doesn't give much away of the plot, it are actually just short clips from scenes in which the characters look really nice and which gives the trailer this sort of atmosphere that really

makes you want tos ee the movie. It's a good example of how they really know how to sell a movie. But i think that when i see it a second time I will like it more, because the more I think about the movie the more I seem to like it. I went to bed early, maybe just a few minutes after 11pm. I was talking to Alice on MSN before, we were exchanging some songs which we could easily imagine to be part of a movie. It's really fun to listen to songs the other person really likes, cause our tastes are so different sometimes. Today will be just like yesterday with no real plans. I'm just going to have another peaceful day, no rush. :) My Ipod works fine again, by the way, so dont worry.
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