Wednesday, 30 April 2008
It's Queen's Day!
I forgot, today's Queen's Day (Koninginnedag!)! Well everyone in the Netherlands enjoy the day hope there are a lot of festivitites as always. Markets everywhere, a lot of oranged coloured people :) I just ate an orange so that's my contribution for this year. Enjoy your day! Hope it won't be a rainy one!
I didn't do much yesterday which was reasonable because the day before I went to Dover, played the laser game and had dinner with my friends, so I was a bit tired yes and could use some rest. During the evening though I had a really nice conversation with Alice on the first floor of the library. She was fed up with her essay and was going to watch a film just for fun. It was really nice to talk to her. Sometimes it's like I have family here, people I can go to and talk about things we struggle with in life, how hard certain things can be. It's nice to have conversations like that with friends. So I enjoyed that a lot. At 8 I went to Heidi;s place to go for a drink in town with her and her friends from Finland who already left early this morning. However, it was raining, the weather was bed, we had to wait for a bus which didn't seem to come anytime soon so we decided to go to the K-bar instead at Keynes college. FC Barcelona was playing against Manchester United so it was crowded, the whole pub was full of people. Heidi had baked a pie earlier, but with normal milk instead of soya. So after a while she started to not feel well, but because her friends already ordered a drink I told her I would stay with them and she could go home. I was actually really happy to be there, because it was fun to watch the match and it's live TV and for me that's so strange, because I still feel so out of contact with the rest of the world while I'm here, so watching the match was like realizing, wow, that whole world still exists. We saw the entire second half. And it was very fun. I'm not such a fan of anything British so I wanted Barcelona to win. But it was so cool to be there, the atmosphere was really nice and every now and then you could hear someone yell: 'good tackle' with a strong British accent, which sounds so cool. Unfortunately Barcelona lost so they won't be going to Moscow. So it will be a British final. I left with Heidi's friends after the match an on our way home, it was still pouring, we ran into Alice who was going home after having finished her film. I went to bed quite early I think and now I'm awake. Alice is going to do another dinner tomorrow and I will help her with her grocery shopping and the cake she will prepare. Enjoy your Wednesday!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Finally, Dover
I went to Dover yesterday with Heidi and her friends from Finland. I heard things about Dover being not that great, but I quite liked it. And the weather was great, so for us it was perfect. We went to see the shore, the Dover castle in which we did not go inside though, cause it's 10 pounds 30. A bit expensive. But we walked the way up there to take a look. I made pictures for all of you to enjoy. I really had a nice morning. In the evening we went laser gaming. First it was only the six of us; Heidi's friends, Amandine, Marion and me. So we were split into duo's. I went with Heidi. Marion and Amandine happened to win and Marion surprisingly ;) ended up being the person with the most points. I was second place. Then the second game there was this group of French kids, they're everywhere in town lately, don't know why and four teenage girls, or maybe they were a bit older, don't know. The kids were split into two teams and the four older girls joined our red team. Some of the kids didn't understand a thing which most part was because of their teacher's bad translation when the girl telling everyone about the game and its rules was explaining how it all works. So especially in the beginning I shot so many of them and I was 100% sure this time I would be number one, the winner. But then when we got the results at the end, it turned out Red number 2 (I was Red 4) was the player with the highest score. And who was Red number 2, Marion! Aaargh, again I came in second. It's not cool. So now when we will play it a next time I have to try even harder, 'cause I want to be the best. :) But it really was fun. Afterwards we went to Nando's, a place where Heidi had been before and she said it was really nice so we were going to eat there. However, it was completely full and people actually had to wait in line for a table to become available. So we decided to go somewhere else and ended up at this place called Marlowe's which had a very nice atmosphere and relaly good food. I had what was called a 'Moroccan Bake', which consisted of this pastry pie with fruits and vegetables in it and cous cous. It was really good and it's always nice to eat out, because you get to eat like a real proper meal. :D Dennis and Alice later on joined us. They didn't go to the laser game, but did come to have a drink. The rest of us, however, left some minutes later, as we were all a bit tired of the game and like Heidi her friends and me, from our trip to Dover. This evening I will join Heidi and her friends for a drink in town and Veronique returns from France. Enjoy your evening everyone and I will upload some pictures.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Great Dinner, Not So Great Film
Heidi has some friends over who arrived yesterday in London. Amandine went with her for a nice day out. I was thinking about doing the same at first but by the time I wanted to book my coach ticket it had already become pretty expensive so I decided not to join. Instead, I went with them to Dover today, but more about that tomorrow. I went to the library in the morning to print something and then went home. I was tired still from the night before so decided to have a nice peaceful day. I worked on the photo book Heidi asked me to make for her and later on received a message from her asking if I wanted to join them for lunch at her place at 8. They stayed in London until the afternoon, so by 8 they already came back. Marion was at the dinner as well and Heidi made the same things she made before Marion left to France. I liked it very much and it was as good as the last time. She also baked some bread and her friends brought some cheese and dark bread Heidi likes from Finland. After I went to Amandine's place to borrow some DVD's and Heidi did the same. Marion and Amandine went to study in the library and were going to see a movie after, else Amandine didn't want to join her in the library. I decided to watch a movie as well and saw Elizabethtown which they had seen on Thursday when I was at the concert. It's one of Alice's favourite films and maybe even her favourite, but I'm sorry to say that I didn't like it, at least not until the last 15 minutes, which were still not great, but quite okay. I quite liked the atmosphere at that point even though a lot of things still felt to be pretty unrealistic. I did not like Orlando Bloon nor his character. Even though Kirsten Dunst slipped out of her accent every now and then I enjoyed her performance and character as well as Susan Sarandon's. The music was one of the best things of the film, but apart from that it was to cheesy and at times just weird. I did not understand, was this a comedy or drama, is this serious? At one point a man who was just getting married starts crying when Bloom's character tells him about Bloom's father who died. It was just so strange. I didn't get it. People compare it to Garden State, but the two are really different films, only similarities are that both are about a young man who returns back to his family and the town he used to know after a family member dies. During that time he meets a girl and falls in love. Garden State is much more sincere and has a much better overall feeling. Elizabethtown I just don't get. It's not that bad, but at the same time maybe it really is. Of course there are worse films, films that are really bad, but Elizabethtown comes very close. It has a lot of flaws. Well I go laser gaming tonight! My second time, I'm so excited! I want to be number one! :)
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Sunny Weather Asks For A Cuban Party
When the weather is extremely nice you just can't stay inside. In the morning I went to do my grocery shopping with Marion, Heidi and Tania. Tania normally does her shopping in the afternoon but decided to join us. At 9.15 we all met up and walked into town enjoying the great sunny weather. Because of our full bags after going into Tesco we took the bus home. The one we took didn't stop at Park Wood, so we walked from Keynes. So because the weather was so good I didn't want to stay inside for to long once I returned home. Right now though I'm like the only one who doesn't have any exams or essays, so I don't have any real obligations. So I had to do something fun on my own and because it was still early I decided to watch a film and take a short nap afterwards, not too long though as the weather might not be the same if I would sleep too long. The film I watched was Rebel Without A Cause, which I had already seen, but I like it so I bought when there was the sale. So I didn't mind at all when I could no longer keep my eyes open and just lay down falling a sleep a bit with the sound of the film playing in my head. Around something like 3 I decided it was time to go outside. I wanted to print something and then go to the bench behind Eliot College, but when I came to the library I found Marion sitting outside studying so I went to sit next to her listening to my I-Pod. She then later on wanted to go home and eat something so I walked with her and then won't home again myself where I had a really nice time listening to film soundtracks, like those of The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, The Fountain, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Diarios De Motocicleta, and Edward Scissorhands, while reading a book. Alice sent a message on Facebook inviting some friend to join her and Jasmine to the Cuban club in town. At first I wasn't sure I would go but eventually I did. We met up at the salsa corner ;) at 10.30 pm and then walked into town. It were only Marion, Alice, Jasmine and me who came along so the four of us walked into town together. I had not been to the Cuban club before, at least not really. We went inside twice maybe, but both times it was too early and they didn't turn it into this night club kind of thing where you can dance, so it was still just filled with seats and tables for people to have dinner. I was surprised by the music, which I expected I would not really like, because they play a lot of salsa music and other Latin American music genres like reggaetón. But the music was really fun and quite danceable so I had a great time and a big plus is that the club doesn't really attract so many teenagers, whom I most of the time happen to find very annoying (I know not so long ago I was one myself, but still) so it's filled with people a bit more older, which is really nice. I didn't stay too long as I was already very tired when I got there, which is why I wasn't sure about going. Today the weather is alright. It's not sunny, but dry and not cold. I have been working on a book for Heidi with photos just like the one I made. I find it easy to do it so if anyone else wants me to make one, I would gladly do so.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Yesterday I watched Cat On A Hot Tin Roof starring Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor. Both were great. I was very surprised and had never seen a film with Elizabeth Taylor, at least not that I remember. I watched the film somewhere in the afternoon before hoovering/vacuum clean my room. At 6.30 I went to Heidi's place who was going to make chocolate muffins. Because I wanted to have a look at how she bakes them, I came over. At 8 we ate some of them together with Marion, Alice, Amandine and also Magali and Tania. Alice and Marion then left to go to the library. I left at the same time as Amandine, we were the last ones. I went to bed early and just came back from town some minutes ago. The weather today is really great. I think I will watch a movie first and then after maybe sit outside on the bench behind Eliot college or somewhere in the grass is the bench is already taken :) Have a nice weekend.
Friday, 25 April 2008
April 28th
Anyone interested to see We Are Scientists and living in The Netherlands, they'll be playing on Monday in the Melkweg (the Milkyway). Tickets are 13 euros.
Scientists In London
Finally I slept alright tonight, but how could I not, I was so exhausted from not sleeping well the night before and going to London yesterday seeing the concert. My coach left at 11.45 but a was a bit late, like 18 minutes. But it was alright because I was going to be in London early with no real plan of what to do. So when I got there I thought about visiting this market I went to last time which i thought was at Liverpool Street station. Turned out I was wrong though. :) But i just walked around and then came across an EAT so I went in bought a humous wrap and my favourite greek yoghurt thing with banana and honey. It's sooo good. Everyone need to taste it, I'm sure you'll like it. I didn't eat in but took everything with me and then went to Oxford Circus where I walked around and went into the Apple store to have a look and play with their products. Like always it's crowded in there. I would have loved to go to a museum or soemthing, but I knew I was still tired and was afraid that looking at paintings would only make me more exhausted as it can drain all the energy right out of you. So eventually I went to Shepherd's Bush Empire with the tube. By the way, it's really easy having an Oyster card, it's the coolest thing. I was early, it was like 5, so I sat across the building on the other side of the street where's this kind of parc and sat on a bench eating the wrap and enjoing a bit of sun. Around 6 I went to sit at the steps of Shepherd's Bush and ate my yoghurt. At first i thought I had a standing ticket, but I didn't, I had one for level 1, which turned out to be much better I guess, cause the kids downastairs happened to go crazy, jumping and pushing each other, so if you're not totally in the front it would be hard to really see soemthing of the band and not get lost in the huge crowd of people pushing you around. So I had been standing int he wrong que for a while, but eventually I managed to find a good spot to sit, completely in the front. Next to me sat this girl from Taiwan who I started to speak with a bit. She was studying in the UK as well at the University of the Arts in London, I think she said Camberwell college and has been here since October. A friend of hers couldn't make it to see the concert so she happened to got the ticket. She likes We Are Scientists, but isn't like a really big fan or anything. I don't consider myself a fan either but I do really like them and seeing them live reminded me why that was again. There were two supporting acts, one was Oxford Collapse which i happen to really like and the other one was a band from New Zealand which were a bit too pop at first for my taste, but eventually they happened to be pretty cool. And the band has a female lead singer and like Marion I happen to have come to prefer male voices as well. We Are Scientists started playing at 9.30 and their set was a bit longer than one hour, so not that long, but they went through all their songs really fast and it was so energetic, that I didn't mind at at all that it didn't last longer and also it gave me enough time to catch the coach from 23.45. So yeah I had a really good time and the coach stopped at Keynes college so i didn't have to walk back home all the way from town. I'm still a bit tired, but managed to sleep pretty well, so everything is okay. Here are some pictures I took. They're pretty good :)
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Trying To Get Some Rest By Doing Nothing :)
I will go to London today at 11.45 to see We Are Scientists in concert. At first I was thinking about staying at a hotel so I don't have to run for the coach, but I actually rather be back in Park Wood again the next day, so I'm just going to run. :) Yesterday I didn't do much at all apart from havign lunch at the Gulbenkian with Marion and Heidi and Tania and Magali who I had not really spoke to in quite some time. Then I went home and ended up chatting a bit on MSN with Alice, Veronique who right now is still in France and will return on Tuesday and Liban who still lives in Ohio. In the evening I didn't do anything either, just tried to get some rest as I had not been sleeping so well and today I'm going to London so I can't be too exhausted. However, I couldn't really sleep tonight either :p Well, bye, enjoy this Thursday!
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
It has been raining this morning, unfortunately. Yesterday the sun was shining bright and I could walk around in a T-shirt without feeling cold. I paid my accommodation, printed one of my National Express tickets for tomorrow when I will be seeing We Are Scientists then went back home to see if Amandine had already got back from town and left me a message to let me know if we could do the laundry which we were going to be doing together. I didn't receive anything yet so I went to join Heidi and Marion who were outside sitting on a bench enjoying the sun. It has been one of the best days. I will have lunch at the Gulbenkian in some minutes.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
More Than 7 Hours In One Kitchen
I went into town with Marion yesterday at 1. The third time in a row already. She came back from France and was back here in Park Wood some minutes past midnight. She had to do some grocery shopping so we walked to Tesco where I bought a bagel and these vegetable sticks (like fish sticks, but with vegetables) for in the oven. With the bus to Park Wood we went back home. At 5 we would meet up at her kitchen together with Alice and Amandine and later on Dennis and Heidi to taste some of the things she had brought back from Poitiers. Her mother had baked this kind of cake or large biscuit which was really good and she had brought these two different kinds of jam which they don't have here at Tesco. Amandine had picked me up to go to Marion's place together. It was really fun to taste everything. Some days ago I received this package you might remember I was telling about, but I did not yet say whatw as in it. Well, a couple of weeks ago i received this email saying that I won this reduction of soemthing like 10 euros in order to make this photo album. So after downloading this programme from this site I made this whole book with pictures of my time here. It looks really cool and I showed it to everyone yesterday and they really happenend to like it so now everyone wants one as well. So everyone interested, let me know, I'll send you a link to the website. Later on Heidi arrived and Dennis who went to play badminton. It's really strange the way time happens to go so quickly around here. We arrived at 5 and I left something like after 1 together with Amandine. It's so weird you start to speak about things and before you know it you're hours and hours later. Amandine and I were the last to leave. Then something else happenend and eventually I slept after 3. Just minutes ago Farhad said goodbye because he left. It's strange he's going back and it will be different in this house. It's already strange to have this empty room now next to mine. I'm the only one right now living downstairs. Well, enjoy this Tuesday.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Just One More DVD
I just came back from town some minutes ago with marion. She's back and told me about her time back in France and all the trouble she had with the coach driver last night. It was already my third time going into town in a row. I went there on Saturday, yesterday with Alice and again this morning. I didn't need to buy anything today really just like I didn't need anything yesterday. But Alice wanted to check out the sale at the HMV I have been telling everyone about so I told her when she was going into town she should tell me and we can go together. I like walking into town it's nice and it's a good way to start your day. I also watched some episodes of Yakitate!! It's really cool and thanks to Amandine I got to watch it. She watches a lot of these anime series and has finished a lot of them. And yesterday she watched like 16 episodes of this series called Gundam! Yep, she's a real fan of anime. So yeah I watched like four episodes and then went into town with Alice and when I got back home I had dinner and watched Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. I just couldn't help myself when i was at the shop so I bought another one. I wa sjust really curious about the movie, because it's starting to get this kind of cult status. The film didn't do that well when it came out but a lot of people have seen it and discovered it after its DVD release. So basically I was just wondering what the whole interest was about. So I watched it and now I understand. :) The film is really cool, with smart dialogue a lot of things happen. The acting is crazy good, I loved Michelle Monaghan, I was really surprised how much she gave to her character. Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. are really good as well and very funy. They have good chemistry together and made for a lot of fun scenes. But the story is at tiems a bit confusing because a lot of things happen and it all goes very very fast so at the end I really felt exhausted. I could have fallen asleep immediately, but of course I had to first brush my teeth take out my contact lenses etc. so when I had done all that I felt kind of awake again and it took me like one hour to switch off my laptop, because I could not help checking out soem sites and listening to some more music before I hopped into bed. At 5 I will go to Marion's place, we will meet with everyone and she will let us taste some things she brought from France. So it's going to be fun. And Farhad, he's leaving already tomorrow! And it's for good so he will be really going back and not return. It's strange thinking about how fast time has gone by. We have been living together for so long. So yeah, he's leaving tomorrow and he will do this dinner tonight, but I'm not sure yet at what time. It's going to be strange though not having him around in the house anymore. It just won't be the same. It's already weird for me being the only one who now lives downstairs. Well, enjoy your week! Bye.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
I love it. It's so funny. And the animations are really cool. Yakitate means something like freshly baked and is about this boy Kazuma Azuma who tries to bake this bread he likes to call 'Japan'. Like other countries he feels Japan needs its own bread as well. It doesn't have its own bread because most people eat rice. But Kazuma will change things. He has these special solar hands which have the best temperature to make bread with, which is why all his creations are instant winners and people fall in love with his bread. I'll start watching another episode before heading into town with Alice. Enjoy your Sunday!
I Don't Get Scared Of Scary Movies But Still I Would Like To See The Orphanage
Marion will be back today or actually tomorrow, but at 00:15, so very early in the morning. I'm happy she'll be back. This place is not the same without her. I went into town yesterday around 3.30 together with Heidi to do our grocery shopping. At first we wanted to walk, but because it was raining a bit we took the bus. In the bus we met Thomas whom I had not seen in a very long time. So it was nice to see him again and to know how he was doing. Heidi and I then went to the Holland & Barnett shop where I bought some muesli. Walking to Zavvi we passed this stage where there was a small runway show. We stopped for a second to watch what it was all about, but it was nothing spectacular so we walked on and entered the Zavvi. Before that we also went to the post office and looked at some of the DVD's they sell there. At the Zavvi they still have sale just like in the HMV. Seems the two are in a bit of a competition. Strange thing is, however, that some of the DVD's online are priced 3 pounds but when you go and look for them in the shop they are 4, like for instance The Science Of Sleep. However, for all of you who really enjoyed The Prestige like I did or have not seen it yet but want to, it's 3 pounds at the Zavvi, so go get it before it's too late. And for everyone here who doesn't want to spend money but still want to see the film, you can always borrow my copy if you want :) After the Zavvi we went to Tesco and then took the bus back to Park Wood. We both received a message in the bus from Alice asking us if we wanted to join her to watch The Savages in the Gulbenkian. I decided to go, but Heidi was going to maybe read a bit and watch the DVD she bought. So when I got home I ate a piece of bread and then it was already almost time to go. Dennis came to watch the film as well, so we now were three. The film was very good, funny at times but also very sad and it makes you think about what you will do when your own parents will get old. It will be tough when you decide to put them in a nursing home. I really enjoyed Laura Linney's performance who was struggling both with having to put her father away and the rivalry between her and her brother. After the film was over Jasmine, who works at the Gulbenkian, joined us for our walk home. We passed a cat, and she loves cats, though I prefer dogs, just like Dennis and Alice. We were then making fun of Dennis who apparently can get very scared by watching scary movies, because he is the curious type, so he probably won't join us to see The Orphanage when it will play at the cinema. But he actually should, because when you really get scared of those films you can enjoy them the most. I already know I probably won´t get scared, because those films just don´t scare me, just because I know it´s a movie, it isn´t real. So I wish I actually would get really scared from watching a movie like that, because that would be really fun. After standing talking at the salsa corner for a while we then split up and walked home. Dennis was in need of some candy so he took the same path home as Alice just to go to the vending machine at the Park Wood reception. I walked back with Jasmine and when I arrived home played my music real loud and got myself ready for bed. Then when i was about to jump into bed Alice came on MSn asking me if I was still online so we chatted for a while. Apparently she was keeping Jasmine up as well, which she was able to because she finished one of her essays, that´s why she also was able to see The Savages. First we were supposed to see it today. She promised Marion to finish her essay before Marion gets back, so she kept it and finished yesterday. I will now go and eat a kiwi. Enjoy your Sunday!
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Enjoying My Time Here, That's What I'll Be Doing
If someone didn't knock on the front door this morning to hand me a package I would have probably still been sleeping. But that's not what happened, so now I'm awake. I will tell you later what was in the package. It's something I had made and it looks great. I'm happy. Yesterday I didn't do anything apart from going to the cinema with Amandine and Aline to see Le Scaphandre Et Le Papillon. It was strange though when we walked back and I went back into my house. We were saying goodbye and I realized that today Aline will go back to France so it was a real goodbye. It's strange. I have to say goodbye so much lately. I don't want to. Lately I have been more aware of where I am, of this whole experience. I guess it's because we're here for so long right now, so you can really look at things differently. I remember when I went out with Véronique this one Saturday and we were sitting in this pub and I thought, wow, I'm actually really here. It suddenly hit me that I was really here in the UK, that all of this has been real. Of course I know it, but it's not something you truly feel and realize 24/7. And since that evening I have been having more moments just like that. People have asked me what I'm going to do right now, now that I don't have any exams and can do whatever I want. And when they ask me they refer to travelling, really do something, go places. I will and I want to, but at the same time, what's wrong with staying here. For me being here in Park Wood, in Canterbury, is already doing something. This is part of the whole experience. This is what I will miss. London is nice, going to Scotland or whatever other city. Great to see those places, but here is where I've met all these great people, started this whole new life. I want to spend as much time as I can here. This is this special place, so why would I go and start travelling for weeks, leaving all of this behind. Here is where I have all these wonderful memories. Here is where I've spent most of my time. So that's what I'm doing, enjoying my time here, my friends here, for as long as I can. I don't really care about all those other places in the UK. I have nothing there. My life is here, so I'll stay. For most of the time at least. And I remember when going to London for those five days in December when I returned in Canterbury, I was really happy to be back home, sleep in my own bed, be part of Park Wood again and everything that's going on here. So yeah, that's what I'll be doing. Véronique sent me an email today with a picture of me she took last time there was a party at her place. It shows me smiling :) Here it is. Have a great weekend!
Friday, 18 April 2008
First Musical In London
I think I slept less than four hours yesterday. After watching What's Eating Gilbert Grape? on Wednesday which lasted until something before 12 I for some reason had a hard time to finally get into bed and because I had to wake up early for London I didn't catch much sleep. At 7.30 Amandine came to pick me up together with Aline her friend from France. We walked into town and took the National Express. I slept a bit or at least closed my eyes. I think I slept, but I'm not really sure. Before going to see The Lord Od The Rings, we went to Camden Town. We walked around a bit looking at the different clothes they sell at the market. We didn't stay that long as we didn't came across anything really interesting to buy. We then took the underground to Covent Garden and had lunch at Pret A Manger where I bought a wrap and some yoghurt with muesli and honey. The girls had prepared rice in the morning with beans, so apart from sharing a piece of carrot and chocolate cake later on, they ate their own prepared dish. Then we went on to the Drury Lane theatre where we saw the musical. I was very surprised by the large sets. It was very entertaining and a real show. I enjoyed it a lot and some of the actors playing orcs even walked into the audience at one point frightening little children. We sat on the balcony, but had a very good view of the stage. One thing I really liked was how the stage moved up and down and was split up in different parts. To give life to horses the actors walked on stilts and to make The Prancing Pony, actors held up pieces of wood to make up the walls, pieces which later on when Frodo and his friends entered were turned into tables. So yeah, it was a really fun experience and I definitely would like to see another musical or play. It's really nice. After the musical we still had time left and because Aline wanted to see the Tower Bridge we went to see it. Amandine took a lot of pictures and I took some too which you can see below this message. After walking over the bridge and back we again took the underground, now to Victoria station where we went for a drink. At first we wanted to go to the Pret A Manger again, as we happened to pass one. But it was about already closed so we walked on to find a new spot, which was Mc Donalds. The girls wanted a hot chocolate, but I had gotten a bit hungry so I ordered this veggie Deli sandwich and some orange juice. We sat downstairs which at first seemed like a really good option, but after I came down as well after waiting for my sandwich a big group of teenagers had arrived. They were on a school trip, so the place was all of a sudden crowded. After finishing the drinks and my sandwich we went to take the bus back, which made a stop at Keynes busstation, so we didn't have to walk all the way to Park Wood from town. After coming home I got myself ready to go to bed and here I am again, still a bit tired but very much awake. I've just finished eating some minutes ago after I went to the cinema to see Le Scaphandre Et Le Papillon (The Diving Bell And The Butterfly) with Aline and Amandine. The film is really good and really manages to give way to Jean-Dominique Bauby's mind, sometimes showing it in a way as if you are really looking through his eyes. There's a scene in which they have to sew up his eye and they film it as if the camera is in Bauby's head with an eyelid placed in front of the camera lens. It really is a beautiful film, really sad at times but also funny.
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Not Much
I can hardly remember what it is I did yesterday, but it wasn't that much. I came back from London already like more than one hour ago where I spent a great day with Amandine and her friend from France. I will tell about that later on tomorrow, but I can already say that I'm very impressed by Lord Of The Rings, the musical. It feels much less a musical than most musicals and would likely appeal to a much larger audience than you would expect. It really translates well to musical and the whole fantasy aspect, which in the films sometimes was a bit hard to get through, I'm referring for instance to the talking trees, seems all of a sudden not at all ridiculous, but fun. Especially considering the many ways they manage to bring to life these kind of fantasy aspects. But more about that tomorrow. Yesterday I went to the library to print my ticket and that was about it. I also watched What's Eating Gilbert Grape? late in the evening and then went to bed. My dinner was nothing special. Far from the great sushi and lasagne I had the evening before. So, yeah, a very simple day. Right now I'm tired, so I will go to bed. I didn't sleep until something like 2 am last night, have no idea why, but it wasn't good, considering that I came home around 4.30 in the morning. So right now, I'm really exhausted. But I had a lot of fun. Sleep well everyone and enjoy your Friday.
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Tokyo Police Club!
It happens to me a lot lately. I add an album of a band which seems to be interesting and making music I might like and then fall in love with them immensily. That's now the case with Tokyo Police Club and their album Elephant Shell. Love it soo much! The songs are short but oh so good. Also I really like The Black Keys right now. Gonna listen to these two a lot before getting myself ready for next week. I will be listening to a lot of We Are Scientists all week!
Mmmmm Yummy!
First picture, left corner. That's what I made! :)
And for the whole story about yesterday scroll down and click on the 'older posts' button. ;) Thanks to Amy for all the great pictures.
And for the whole story about yesterday scroll down and click on the 'older posts' button. ;) Thanks to Amy for all the great pictures.
First Time Sushi For Alice

And I had some lens trouble last night. It for some reason hurted a little bit in my left eye so I took it out and then put it into a glass. But then when Jasmine got thirsty and looked for a glass she almost threw it down the drain! Everyone was like nooooo! lol, it was too funny. Fortunately my lens was saved, so right now it's back in my eye again! :)
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