Monday, 28 April 2008

Great Dinner, Not So Great Film

Heidi has some friends over who arrived yesterday in London. Amandine went with her for a nice day out. I was thinking about doing the same at first but by the time I wanted to book my coach ticket it had already become pretty expensive so I decided not to join. Instead, I went with them to Dover today, but more about that tomorrow. I went to the library in the morning to print something and then went home. I was tired still from the night before so decided to have a nice peaceful day. I worked on the photo book Heidi asked me to make for her and later on received a message from her asking if I wanted to join them for lunch at her place at 8. They stayed in London until the afternoon, so by 8 they already came back. Marion was at the dinner as well and Heidi made the same things she made before Marion left to France. I liked it very much and it was as good as the last time. She also baked some bread and her friends brought some cheese and dark bread Heidi likes from Finland. After I went to Amandine's place to borrow some DVD's and Heidi did the same. Marion and Amandine went to study in the library and were going to see a movie after, else Amandine didn't want to join her in the library. I decided to watch a movie as well and saw Elizabethtown which they had seen on Thursday when I was at the concert. It's one of Alice's favourite films and maybe even her favourite, but I'm sorry to say that I didn't like it, at least not until the last 15 minutes, which were still not great, but quite okay. I quite liked the atmosphere at that point even though a lot of things still felt to be pretty unrealistic. I did not like Orlando Bloon nor his character. Even though Kirsten Dunst slipped out of her accent every now and then I enjoyed her performance and character as well as Susan Sarandon's. The music was one of the best things of the film, but apart from that it was to cheesy and at times just weird. I did not understand, was this a comedy or drama, is this serious? At one point a man who was just getting married starts crying when Bloom's character tells him about Bloom's father who died. It was just so strange. I didn't get it. People compare it to Garden State, but the two are really different films, only similarities are that both are about a young man who returns back to his family and the town he used to know after a family member dies. During that time he meets a girl and falls in love. Garden State is much more sincere and has a much better overall feeling. Elizabethtown I just don't get. It's not that bad, but at the same time maybe it really is. Of course there are worse films, films that are really bad, but Elizabethtown comes very close. It has a lot of flaws. Well I go laser gaming tonight! My second time, I'm so excited! I want to be number one! :)

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