Sunday, 13 April 2008

Baking Bread

After watching Madagascar in the morning I didn't do much until 6 when I went over to Heidi's place. Thursday evening when Heidi prepared a special dinner because of Marion who went back to France for ten days, there were these fresh baked pieces of bread, and because I liked them so much I told her I was going to try and bake some myself. When she heard this she offered to bake some together and teach me how to make the bread she baked. So at 6 I went to Heidi's place and we started baking them. She had prepared everything, so all the things we needed were already set up and the oven was on. It was really fun and very easy to do. In between when we had to wait for the dough to rise we drank some tea and talked until the dough had risen enough and we could put pieces of dough on a baking tray. Because Heidi would still have the entire evening to bake hers, we did mine first. Normally she said, it takes like 15 minutes to bake the bread, but because the oven at her place isn't very good, it takes like 30 minutes and after 15 minutes you have to turn the bread. Waiting for the bread to get ready we drank some more tea and after the first pieces of bread were done we tasted them with some Philadelphia spread on top. They were very nice. Better than the bread in the shops and it's also much more fun baking bread yourself and it doesn't take all that long either. After the second tray of bread went into the oven Alice stopped who had been reading some articles for her essays all day. She tasted some of the bread as well and liked it. After the last pieces were ready as well I went back home while Heidi went to bake hers and in between watch Mystic River which she bought at the HMV. She read about the sale. This one hoewever was four pounds instead of three, but still a decent price and the film is very good. I have it at home as well. I went to drink some tea, took a shower and then watched Alien. I had never seen it before, so I bought the DVD for three pounds to check it out. I liked it a lot but the alien looks so digusting, all slimey and stuff. But overall everything looked very believable and realistic. I enjoyed it a lot. Just before the end though I noticed I wa sbecoming very tired and was about to fall asleep so I decided to go to bed and watch the final minutes the next morning, which I did. Right now I'm baking some more bread, yep. I still had some flour left so I thought let's bake some more! :) Now I'm going to finish watching My Neighbour Totoro. It's split up in something like 6 parts so after each part I have to wait for the next one to load. That's why I have been watching the film all day already with breaks in between. Enjoy this Sunday!

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