Friday 11 January 2008

All Day At The Library

I will be at the library again making my way to it as fast as I can, but first I'm here leaving you a message to read. Heidi came back Wednesday and yesterday I met her in a completely empty computerroom on the 4th floor. Marion should have been there as well, but she didn't manage to get there that early. Heidi is always on time it seems and works really early, that's some real dedication rigth there. Something a lot of us can learn a lot from. I have to say I really like studying in the library. I work much longer and am much more productive than when I'm at home. I actually didn't mean to stay 'til closing time, but wanted to leave at 5, but I was so busy working that I stayed until the end. At home I probably would have given up a long time ago after soemthign would have distracted me, but at the library I don't know such a thing as distraction. When I'm done with my essay I plan to keep going to the library just to read some interesting book and get myself a bit more educated :) Around 2 pm, the four of us (Heidi, Alice, Marion and me) had lunch at the Gulbenkian. Maybe tonight we're going to the cinema, butfor me it depends on how much work I still have left to do. On Sunday the library will be closed, so like Alice already mentioned, we have to keep in mind that if we still need to watch a documentary for our essay we have to do that today or tomorrow. For dinner I had still three paprika's or peppers left. My mum told me it would be nice to put them in the oven, fill them with vegetables and cheese, so I did. Seems right now like I'm really cooking, but I've been here only for 7 days, so by next week I will probably eat some very fast and easy preepared meals. Have a nice day today. Hope you like the new lay-out, I definitely do. Bye!

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