Wednesday, 9 January 2008


I'm glad to now finally that I'm really able to take the courses I want to take this next term. I wasn't quite sure yet as the last time I emailed Tamar about it, my coordinator, she told me she kind of forgot about it and it was a good thing that I had reminded her. Then afterwards I again heard nothing, so yesterday I mailed her again asking about my timetable which had not appeared yet in my Student Data System account, which made her reply that she would arrange it for me and she did! I'm happy because it now really says that i'm taken both courses I wanted to do. 'Cause she said she would arrange everything, but than nothing happened. But turns out she did really arrange it for me like she said she would and she had not forgot about it. I guess i'm going to mail my home university in Amsterdam as well, as I haven't heard anything from them. Because the new term already starts next week i just want to be sure they approve with those two courses I'm going to take. So yes, that was one thing that I did yesterday, mailing Tamar. And she replied immediately that same day and made sure those courses appeared in my Student Data System, so that's really cool. Waking up yesterday i still was feeling pretty tired. During the afternoon, around 1 pm I left the house to go to the library. Farhad went away early in the morning, so I had the entire house for myself. Stuart, Victoria's boyfriend said Victoria would come back on Tuesday, which was yesterday. But I haven't seen her yet. But I think i remember people coming in yesterday night, but I don't know if I imagined it or dreamed it, 'cause I already went to bed at 11 pm, which is very early here in Park Wood. A lot of students seem to sleep really late. Everytime I walk back home from staying somewhere until early in the morning, I still notice there are a lot of lights on in some houses. But I saw two boxes standing inf ront of her door, so I guess Victoria already really returned. I'm not sure if she's in her room at the moment or if she decided to spend the night at Stuart's place. But I guess I'll find out soon enough. Today I have to really start writing my essay. So far i only read text and made some kind of structure. The thing is that i just need to have some points, like some terms, aroudn which i can build my whole text. Because I feel like I already know a lot about the subject, but then to start is pretty tough. You really need to have some structure. I also have to work on the film project, writing the script. But again I'm a bit confused of what we ended up deciding when Euan, Clément and I had one of our last meetings. I feel like I should have done both my essay and this script writing thing before I went to London and back home to Haarlem. But after the first term was over I just was in need of a break and during those two weeks back home I really didn't have the time. I think you called me again last night, papa, but I must have been upstairs brushing my teeth. The thing is you asked me when i would be back home, I told you i will be back around 5 pm. So from that moment on I now and then checked my phone to make sure I didn't missed your call. But then you never called, not until around 10 pm or something, but I happened not to be there. So you have to call me again tonight, if you still want to. Or just go online and I will turn on my webcam especially for you : ) Thank you as well Clément for your email. Hope you will arrive here in Park Wood soon. We really need more people back here, 'cause it still feels kind of abandoned. At the library it's great though, with maybe just some ten people in the computerroom on the 4th floor. But that's what i'm goign to do again today work on my essay. I'm still not quite sure if I want to see the movie Brick Lane, which is playing at the Gulbenkian right now. Maybe I will see it if I manage to have some time left. I don't know anything about the film, but sometimes that makes for the most wonderful film experiences, like for instance I had when i saw Voleurs De Chevaux, from this Belgian director Micha Wald. It was a really beautiful film and i have to admit I kind of liked it even a bit more than the Palme D'Or winning 4 Luni, 3 Saptamani Si 2 Zile. Well, I'm going to take a shower, have breakfast and get to work. Hope you liked the pictures I posted from my birthday! Bye bye!

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