Thursday, 3 January 2008

It Is Snowing In The Hearts And Minds Of Every Kind Of Universe

It was snowing today. Sorry for not coming round here anymore, for not leaving you a new message to read. I could write, but I just didn't. Time passed me by and before I knew it I got further behind, so far that it took me some days before being able to write again, which is right now. I've been doing fine. I've been wondering about how I really feel about being back here in my country where I was born, where my house is, my home. It took me a while to realize why I miss my life in Canterbury and what that feeling of missing is. And it took me a while to realize I don't prefer that life over this one. I can not choose, I love both. I will miss my home here as much as I miss my home in Canterbury right now, right now this moment I'm here in Haarlem. But that feeling of missing is for different reasons. Here I have family, friends, a safe place, warmth. Streets I walked on before, places that remind me of things and bring back the most beautiful of memories. In Canterbury there's me, the life I have created without the help of the people here. I have build my own life, a new home. I have made new friends who I have come to love and not just a bit but a lot. Friends I want to keep and feel I can no longer live without. I have two homes now and that's something I have to get used to. Saturday morning I will leave and it will hurt. I will miss my life here, but I know I will be strong, I know I will be able to deal with missing my home here in The Netherlands. And knowing I have this other wonderful life waiting for me with wonderful people to keep me company, to get me through, I know I will miss this life less. The best thing would be to have both at the same time. But that won't be possible. Thank you Mitch for meeting up with me today, for spending time in Amsterdam, for having a nice chat and tell me all about your life right now and letting me share my 'new' life with you. Thank you mum for telling me it's not at all a problem to once again go to the cinema with me, even though it's pretty expensive here in the city. I was tired and had doubts about going tonight, so if you would have answered me differently I wouldn't have seen the oh so beautiful Voleurs De Chevaux. A film that consists of great shots and make you think about the process of filmmaking and one day making your own and what story you then would choose to tell. At the end the film becomes a bit too long, but still it is a film you need to see if you haven't already. And I would love to here other people's opinion about it. It's a film about brotherly love and being myself a younger brother, the story and the way the elder brothers took care of the younger ones, touched me deeply. Well it's really time to go to bed. I still need to put up some pictures from London. I will do that. I might even add a little story of all that I experienced while I was there, like running to the coach station again to make sure I would be on time to catch the last one from 23:45, after having seen this crazy, but fun show of Patrick Wolf who sounds just as good live as he does on CD and who apparently has a lot of teenage female admirers. Tomorrow I will shop for things I want to take with me, probably go to the cinema again, and then once again pack my bag. Goodnight and good luck!

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