Sunday, 10 February 2008

We Went, But We Didn't

When the sun is shining here in Park Wood I feel guilty to stay inside all day, especially when I end up doing nothing because I feel lazy. So yesterday when I felt I wasn't going to really work I decided to ask Alice if she was home and wanted to go for a walk. I expected her to be out somewhere maybe already having a walk, but to my surprise she was indeed home. She had been cleaning, doing her laundry etc. after waking up around 1 pm. But, in contrast to me, she did really feel like working and at the moment I asked her to go out for a walk she was just grabbing her notes and, ready to start writing. But when I asked her she was too tempted and could not resist. We all have that some times. I had that last week when I wanted to go to boxing class but then Marion asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with her. I could not resisit, but how can I, when a friend asks you to hang out, do something fun together, you can't say no. So Alice came to my house knocked on the kitchen window and then we walked into town. The sun was shining brightly and on our way we passed Ciro, who apparently went for a walk as well and Anne and her housemate Loraine, both on their bikes. They had been making a trip on their bikes all afternoon. In town Alice bought a birthday card and then we walked back home again. It was a really nice day, not cold at all. It's like it is already spring. A few days earlier it was still cold and now all of a sudden the weather has completely changed. I think I will never really understand the weather. When I got back home I had dinner and later on fell asleep a bit when I was lying on my bed for a while. Just when I was awake again, Alice told me she was going to pick up Marion and Veronique to go to this party at Grimshill 9. I actually didn't want to go out anymore, but because they were going I was like, okay, everyone still seems in the mood for another party, why not also go. It could be fun. Turned out though, they were all as tired as I was. And Alice's plan was actually to just drop by and say hi and then leave again. Marion came to her house before, just at the moment she wanted to catch some sleep. So now she blamed me and Marion for not having been able to work on her essay :) The party was at Amandine's place, but I don't think Amandine was really a part of it. We were very early, it was 10 pm and were the first guests. They were all German and we didn't know anyone of them except for Amandine's housemate. But they didn't start talking to us either and kept talking German, so I kind of felt like we did not really belong here. Maybe if we would have been there later more people would have showed up, people we would have actually known, but it seemed like this party was not really goinng anywhere. Marion said she was going to leave and then Alice and I decided to do the same. Veronique decided to stay with her housemate whom she had brought along. When I came home I jumped into bed and slept. Right now I still feel a bit tired, but I have managed to sleep until 12 in the afternoon. So that's great. I just woke up and again the sun is shining, but today I will work. It's Sunday and yesterdayw as already my fun day, so now it's time to go back to work and start working on my essay, filmproject etc etc!

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