Monday, 10 March 2008

Finding My Spiritual Self

I had no idea what is was going to be like, but I was curious so I went. There was this message on the Kent student website saying that on Monday you could visit the labyrinth at the Senate. So I thought let's find out what's it all about. It was raining and very windy all afternoon so it was very nice to be in such a relaxing environment. On the ground was this large kind of blanket spread out on which was painted a laybyrinth. In contrast to a maze, a labyrinth has only one path. There's only one way to get in and reach the center and the same way you have to get out. Whereas a maze tries to confuse you, finding out which way you have to go to get to the center, a labyrinth is much more about finding yourself as there is no other way you can walk, so you won't get lost. While you would walk there would be music playing. The whole experience felt very safe and made you feel completely at ease. It was definitely something else. I stayed one hour and a half, slowly making my way through. The labyrinth that I walked was exactly like on the image below. If you get the chance try it out. It's nice to for a moment just think about nothing and let go of all the things going on in your life.

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