Friday, 28 March 2008

A Midnight Surprise

Today it's Patricia's birthday, so congrats on your 21st! I had this lovely night after going to the circuits. I had been working all day long on my essays before going to the circuits training at 6. This time things went a bit differently. Instead of having all these excerices spread around the room, we had to run from one side of the room to the other and when we got there we had to 12 times this one excerice then run back. Run back again, do the excerice 12 times and then do another, but 11 times. Then run back again. And then when again running back to the other side you had to do the one of 12, 11 and a new one of 10 and so on. Because there were a lot of people we had to split into groups of 3. At first I wanted to go with Heidi, but because there were still some duo's left, we had to split, so I ended up doing the excerices with these two other guys. So while one of the three of us was doing those excercises across the other side of the room, the people left behind were kept busy with things like star jumps or jogging. I liked it a lot. It was kind of what they do on Thursdays at the boxing class. It was though, but I liked that, because afterwards you feel sooo good. Then at home I took a shower and had dinner. Some minutes before 10 Farhad came back from the sports centre. He went to the kick boxing class and now had this argument with Vesna in German about buying pasta or something like that. :) Hana was still here as well, so she later on came over. While I was still in my room Vesna came in to tell me about how she had been in Sainsburys looking for stroopwafels, searching like a crazy person, asking the staff, but noone could help her. Poor girl. But i'm not sure if you can get them there, Farhad was the one who said go to Sainsburys, I think they also sell them there. But now they thought that I had told them that. But no I didn't. While Farhad went to take a shower the girls went on to play with my skateboard and Vesna played the guitar. Because it's Patricia's birthday we wanted to surprise her at 12 pm last night with a birthday cake. Vesna and Farhad went to bake it in Vesna's house, Grimshill number 1. I came by later on as well to help out, or actually more to play songs on Vesna's computer. She lives in a hosue for 7 people, so her kitchen is even bigger than the one in the houses of Amandine, Magali, Jan and Heidi, who live together with 6 people. They even have two ovens and everything. It's huge! Ivana was there as well, whom I had never met before but of whom I for some reason had heard of before many times already. The cake turned out to be delicious. It was really nice, topped with some chocolate and chocolate inside it as well. I ended up talking to Hana a lot as well, which was great because she is leaving again. It's strange that you might not see some of these people ever again once all this is over. Hopefully you get to meet up again one day, but you can't be quite sure as everyone's life will go on and before you know it, people are so busy with other stuff again that meeting up will become difficult. Just some minutes before we went back to my place just to make sure someone could open the door when friends of Patricia would show up to join all of us to surprise her. Patricia was upstairs in her room already dressed in her pyjamas. So at 12 we all went up the stairs, Farhad in front with the cake in his hands. Patricia was completely surprised and was very touched. She was talking to Joseph who had returned as well, just like Hana. They both only stayed here the first term. i had not seen him yet, so I got to speak to him briefly as well, which was cool. Downstairs in the kitchen we all ate some cake and then later on everyone left and the kids went to bed. Today I'm going to work and tonight I would liek to see No Country For Old Men at the Gulbenkian. It's finally playing! :) We got a bit of stormy weather right now, but it's okay.

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