Monday, 31 March 2008

Farewell Dinner/Party

I'm a bit late today. Woke up early to go to the library where I met Heidi and Penelope. Penelope just came to pick up some books, so Heidi and I went to the computer room, level 3 to work. Yesterday I worked as well and prepraed something for Clements farewell dinner/party. I made mashed potatoes and put it in the oven with some spinach and tomatoes in it and cheese on top. I also made some desert of soft banana with melted dark chocolate mixed and stroopwafel crums on top and mixed through it. It made me get to the cinema a bit late. I said I would be there at 6, but turned out to be there later. I went to see Juno. Marion and Amandine were there as well, but sitting on the left side, while I sat enxt to Heidi int he middle. Nicholas and Ciro turned out to be there as well and both liked the movie. I liked it as well. I thought it was nice and sometimes very funny. It's a sweet film nothing groundbreaking, nothing extemely beautiful when it comes to cinematography etc. but just carried out nicely. It was kind of this year's Little Miss Sunshine, although I think that one made a more lasting impact. Then after I went to Clements house. His housemates had made some really nice things like tortilla and some rice. Veronique brought a really ncie cake later on as well, which she made with strawberry yoghurt, which was soooo good! I had a nice night and stayed until after 2, so pretty long. Right now I'm going to work on my essays and at 6 circuits! :)

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