Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Don't Walk the Streets Alone At Night

So this morning when I walked to the library I noticed there was police in front of Thorndon Court, which is where Clement lives and it's right next to Grimshill. Until just a few minutes ago i had no idea what had happened. Clement told me about police knocking on his door around 8 in the morning, asking for his name etc. and where he was around 4 am. Apparently they have been asking a lot of people to share their personal information. But noone knew what was going on and Patricia my hosuemate asked the police, but they didn't want to answer her questions and keep it secret. So this afternoon we've been speculating. Farhad went out this morning to run and saw like 7 police cars. Victoria told me a cleaner told a colleague that it was the worst thing she had ever seen. And we were all wodnering what it is about the small piece of river, because they put a large ribbon around it, making it look like a real crime scene. Liz also had no clue what was going on and found it very strange noone has informed us so far, because when something like this happens in the US, students receive an e-mail telling them what's going on. But just a couple of minutes ago Victoria went online and Patricia came to my room to tell me to look at the Kent Union page and this is their statement:

Incident in Parkwood
Students may have noticed an area of Parkwood cordoned off this morning. Kent Police have informed us that they are investigating an incident of alleged sexual assault involving students living in Parkwood that occurred last night. They are unable to comment further on the investigation at this time. They are eager to emphasise that only students were involved and nobody from outside the University. Students are strongly advised to observe the usual precautions when travelling alone such as keeping to well lit paths and where possible travelling with friends.

If people are particularly concerned attack alarms are avaliable from Campus Watch near the banks or walking escorts can be provided by calling
01227 823 300.

So everyone be careful. Don't go out by yourself late at night. This is really something serious and quite scary.

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