Thursday, 18 October 2007

Wednesday Once Again

Yesterday was Wednesday once again. The last couple of days have gone by so fast, it doesn't look like it's already a week later, but it really is. I didn't went out much yesterday. I decided to stay at home and work. I finally had some good night sleep. I woke up around 11 and got out of bed. At 3 I would be having the meeting with Tamar, our co-orinator of Film Studies. Noone really knew why she wanted to see us and when we got to her office it turned out that she just set up the meeting for us to ask we had any questions or needed any help. It was quite good, because I had the chance to ask her about staying longer, which she once again told me was possible and now someone from the European Office will set up a letter to confirm I can stay. We also asked about the changing of our deadlines. Because some of us Erasmus students find it hard to write an essay in English or because some us have never written any essays at all or just aren't used to writing them, we asked if some deadlines can maybe be changed. And surprisingly Tamar told us if we would find that to be necessary she woul try and look what she could do for us. So it might be possible, which would give us some more time to write our essays. But I have already started and so far it goes quite alright. I think i will have it finished on time, but you never know. Before I went back home I saw outside the library for a while, on the steps, together with Alice and Clement. It had been pretty cold, but right at that moemnt the sun was shining brightly on our faces, which was very nice. Clement decided to go study in the library, so after a while we split up and Alice and I went off to go to the cash machine, because Alice needed to get some money. Because every week we read on some signs that on Wednesdays you can get fresh fruit at The Venue, Alice and I decided to have a look. The signs were right, they really have this kind of fruit/vegetable market in The Venue on Wednesdays. And to our surprise it's not that expensive. You can buy a lot of food just for 1 pound. Like a oranges and apples. The thing is, though, that one the packages it doesn't say when they were packaged and until when you are able to eat them. But if you just do a bit of inspection and make sure the food you buy looks good, then everything I guess will be alright. I bought some cherry tomatoes and a sack of apples. Then we walked off home and I didn't leave the house ever since. I have to say i spent quite some time behind the computer yesterday. I worked on my essay for British Cinema and did some cooking. After her salsa class Alice stopped by my house to ask me if we had any plans to do something that night. But because Marion and Clement spend a lot of time at the library, both were a bit tired and it was already a bit late to go and watch a movie. So we didn't do anything really interesting yesterday, except for talking a lot on MSN. Alice and I tried to use our webcams, but because Alice has this really weird internet connection, she is kicked out of MSN all the time and has to go and sign in all over again all the time. We also exchanged some music. later on I also spoke a bit to Marion and Tania and then around 12 I decided I really needed to go to bed, because I was very tired and it was sleepy time. Today there are a lot of things. Lecture, maybe boxing class, film society meeting and afterwards we will go and watch Brief Encounter again, after Alice received her DVD that she bought.

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