Tuesday, 9 October 2007

What A Difference A Day Makes

Where was everyone? Yesterday evening I was all alone. I guess I can't have everything. Bceause Sunday night was perfect. Lovely evening. Maybe I did somethign wrong yesterday? Probably my first night here that i didn't do anything at all. veryone seemed to have their own things to do. Alice had her salsa class, Clement was goign to have dinner and I wasn't sure what Marion was doing, but she has two presentations this week, so she probably is very busy. So there's nothing wrong with doing nothing at all. I like to have those days to just stay at home. I watched the final part from Our Daily Bread, a great documentary and I read the two texts that we are supposed to read for today's seminar. But besides that there was nothing at all to do and I wouldn't have mind to just stay home it was just that when I walked away from the library that afternoon before saying goodbye to Clement, he told me how much he wanted to see a movie, but that there was nothing at the Gulbenkian that we hadn't already seen. So then we thought, maybe we could just watch a movie of our own together later that night. So i thought, cool. Later on this evening, we can do something nice. I guess compared to everyone else I eat early. Around 6 pm. It's normal for me. 8 pm would be alright too, but it is kind of late for my taste. So i do prefer 6 or maybe 7, but when I'm home around 6, i just make dinner around 6, why wait. But we ended up not watching a movie together. Everyone was doing somethign else. So i thought, let's talk to my mum or dad or Feroz, my brother, on MSN. But none of them were online. And my house was filled with emptiness. Victoria and Patricia went to salsa class so they were gone. i would have liked to come, but not to salsa class, if they would have gone out for a drink i probably would have went with them, but no. i don't want to dance salsa, so no, I stayed home. Well that leaves Farhad and Liz. But Farhad sat in his room all night. Even though i caught him this early morning fully dressed, just arriving home. Where did he go? :) But he was in his room all night. And some of his German freidns already told me once that i should tell him to get out more, because they were starting to find him a bit boring. And then there's Liz, the girl from the US. But the only time I see her is when she is in the kitchen to get something to eat or drink or she just leaves the house for class or just comes back. If she's not doing those things she's eather in her room or she's in London with her boyfriend. I think she should stay home more, because I feel weird when i'm alone with her. i really don't know what to say. it's like I don't know her anymore, she needs to introduce herself again. Because since we first met I haven't really seen her for such a long time that i don't know her anymore. But yup, there was noone with me. And I didn't like it. Poor me, all lonely. The entire day didn't hold anything spectacular. i went to my lecture, which was very interesting. Finally a good Docuemntary film lecture. but i have to admit, last time was good as well, just the clips were tiring. Buts he does have some structure, it's just too much at the same time soemtimes, that it's hard for you to grasp what the lecture is really about. What's the main goal of the lecture for today. After the lecture I went to the shop, get msyelf a drink and then had my lunch outside the Gulbenkian together with Clement, who was in need of some coffee. Afterwards i was syupposed to study in the library, but it was completely fileld with people. Every pc was already in use. i don't udnerstand what all these people are doing here. Go to your class or go home! So then I went home and spend the rest of my day with me myself and I. Which i have to say is the best company i can get. I always have fun with myself, so no problem. Just when i already lay in bed, the text messages came pouring in. So now I'm going to the library. marion will also be studying there, so I won't be alone. It's not that we always have to do soemthing, but people come visit me at home sometime. You're free to walk in whenever you like. We can just hang. Lie down in silence staring at the ceiling, like in the movies. Create our own magical world. But hey, see you. Thanks for all the messages and e-mails of the last couple of weeks. Eli, of course noone will ever take your place. Don't ever think that. We're all original. There's only one of each of us.

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